Hot Glue Snowflake Art
Winter is upon is, lets celebrate by making some hot glue snowflakes, which can be used to decorate your home, or added to other crafts or cosplays.
Gather your materials, you will need; hot glue gun, glue sticks, plastic sheeting for base layer or the cover of a plastic binder/cover, beads/sparkles, clear string. Then an image of a snowflake you would like to create, these can be looked for online, or from a found object like Xmas jewellery or wrapping paper etc. Please take care when using the hot glue gun, you might need support from another person, or wear protective gloves when working with it.
When the glue is beginning to seep our of the nozzle of the gun it's time to begin. We started in the middle of the flake, by drawing with the hot glue a small circle, then drawing lines moving outward from this center. Then we added arrows or "v" shapes to these lines. You can also add or attach these snowflakes to the clear string to later create chains or bunting effects. Think about varying the sizes of the snowflakes.
Make sure that the shapes have full lines, you can always go over lines, or reglue things together if they fall apart in this next step. When the snowflakes have fully cooled it's time to unstick them from the plastic binder. Take you time peeling them off the plastic, be mindful when using your fingers as the glue might have formed a jagged edge.
Optional to glue on sparkles, we added them on the front and the back when we thought we would hang them up.
Think about how you would like to display your creations! We added these to our Xmas wreath to hang on our therapy room door. What will you do with yours?