Terms & Conditions
1. Introduction
These are the terms and conditions that apply when you enter into service and for the duration of your use of Artful Thinkings services including the use of our digital services. (Such as our Website, App, Social Media Platforms, Contact and Teletherapy.)
You will be asked to accept these terms and conditions before entering into service with Artful Thinking. This will usually be via e-signature but may be via hard signature in some cases.
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. If we do change them, we will let you know that we are via e-mail or other communication method.
2. Artful Thinking’s Expectations of You
You must not:
Be aggressive, discriminatory, or threatening towards any of our team or any other service users.
Engage in any unlawful activity in an Artful Thinking premises. (e.g taking an illegal substance.)
Cause any health and safety hazard to any of our team or service users.
Remove, damage or destroy any Artful Thinking property.
Tamper with any IT or other Artful Thinking equipment.
Covid 19 – You must immediately notify us if you (i) are self-isolating (ii) should be self-isolating as per Government Guidelines. Artful Thinking reserves the right to cancel any upcoming appointments if notified of the above.
If you, or anyone you are with breaches any of the above terms, Artful Thinking reserves the right to immediately cancel any or all appointments and cease all service with you if we deem this necessary. We will also seek to recover the cost of any damages or losses made to Artful Thinking by you.
3. Artful Thinking’s Duty to You
Artful thinking agrees to keep all data relating to you safe and secure. We will not pass on any information pertaining to you without written permission from you unless we deem this absolutely necessary. This would be if:
We believe you, or someone else is in danger. In this case we reserve the right to pass your details onto the relevant authorities as we deem necessary.
We believe you may be a close contact to a confirmed Covid-19 case and Test and Trace has requested your contact details.
Artful thinking agrees to safeguard your health and welfare through the thorough cleaning of our spaces between each session as well as other covid-19 policies such as mask-wearing where appropriate.
We agree to treat you with respect at all times. Artful Thinking operates a strict zero-tolerance policy when it comes to discrimination of any kind.
4. Cancellations & No-Shows
Artful Thinking reserves the right to cancel appointments due to events that are out of our control. In the event we must cancel an appointment, we will provide you with as much notice as possible.
Should you need to cancel an appointment, you must do so with at least 48 hours’ notice to Artful Thinking. Any appointment cancelled within the 48 hours before your session will be treated as a no-show.
A no-show is any appointment that has been cancelled with less than 48 hours' notice. No-show appointments will be charged at 50% for cancellations between 48 and 24 hours before the appointment and charged in full if within 24 hours of the booked appointment.
Artful Thinking reserves the right to review and if necessary, cease your service if you have had 3 or more cancellation and/or no-shows in a row. This will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
5. Payment
Artful Thinking works on a monthly invoice basis. Your monthly invoice will be issued to you via e-mail after your last session of each month.
The price of each session will be provided upon the booking of the session, dependant on the session type.
Invoices must be paid following the payment instructions, within 30 days of the date issued.
Artful Thinking will not be liable for any lost monies if you fail to follow correct payment instructions and will consider your invoice un-paid.
Artful Thinking reserves the right to pause and/or cease your service should you not pay invoices within the given timeframe. This will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Artful Thinking reserves the right to recover any unpaid invoices through debt collection or other means if this is deemed necessary.
Should you have other payment terms agreed (e.g., weekly invoices), Artful Thinking reserves the right to revert to the above payment terms at any point.
If you find yourself in financial difficulty, you should let Artful Thinking know immediately. We will endeavour to help as best we can.